What are Complex Systems? A Manifesto
”There's no love in a carbon atom,
No hurricane in a water molecule,
No financial collapse in a dollar bill.”
–Peter Dodds
The Manifesto in one slide
Science forever post reductionism: Understanding, creating, controlling, and managing systems. Reality and universality compel us to do the responsible thing, computational power allows us to.
First, a simple, practical definition of a Complex System:
In Essence:
A complex system is a distributed system with many interrelated (possibly networked) parts, governed by no centralized control, and exhibiting emergent behavior—'More is Different'.
A few optional extras:
- Explicit nonlinear relationships.
- Being open or driven, opaque boundaries.
- Explicit memory.
- Modular, multiscale structure.
- Adaptive.
And: Complex is a very good word—Latin: with + fold/weave (com + plex).
Read more of the manifesto on Peter's website
Want to learn more? Here are some great complex systems resources