
Guillermo García-Pérez

Chief Scientific Officer, Algorithmiq Ltd

Emergent spatial entanglement in many-body quantum systems

November 18, 2020 - 12:00 PM Eastern Time

Talk Abstract:

Are the global properties of complex quantum systems simply a consequence of the properties of their individual components? Or are there features that emerge, as a result of self-organisation, uniquely characterising the complex object as a whole? The answer to these questions might unveil up-to-now unknown properties of molecular complexes, proteins, and living organisms, as well as of engineered complex quantum communication networks.

In this talk, I will show how our holistic approach combining quantum physics and complex network theory brings to light the existence of emergent spatial structures of quantum entanglement in a paradigmatic many-particle quantum system [1]. I will also introduce an efficient algorithm for quantum network tomography, showing exponential improvement with respect to existing approaches [2], and hence allowing for the experimental observation of the new entanglement structures that we have discovered.


[1] “Emergent entanglement structures and self-similarity in quantum spin chains”, Boris Sokolov, Matteo A. C. Rossi, Guillermo García-Pérez, Sabrina Maniscalco, arXiv:2007.06989.

[2] “Pairwise tomography networks for many-body quantum systems”, Guillermo García-Pérez, Matteo A. C. Rossi, Boris Sokolov, Elsi-Mari Borrelli, Sabrina Maniscalco, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023393 (2020).

Speaker Bio:

Guillermo García-Pérez received his PhD in physics from the University of Barcelona in 2018. He then moved to Turku, Finland, to work as a senior researcher in the Turku Centre for Quantum Physics and the Complex Systems Research Group of the University of Turku. In 2020, he co-founded Algorithmiq, where he has also been working as Chief Scientific Officer since then. In 2021 he received a grant from the Academy of Finland to work on emergent geometry from entanglement at the University of Helsinki.